Get + $ 10 free money compensation when you shop online

About the company:

EBATES is a reliable American company located in San Francisco, and its role is that it compensates you when buying from many American sites such as ebay, amazon and godaddy ... in addition to other brands such as NIKE, HP ... as this company provides compensation every three months via Paypal or check.

The method of work :

First, you must register for free on the company’s website via the ebate link, and to get $ 10 free, you must choose it when registering as it appears in the picture. You will receive after your first successful purchase

After registration, you go to the companies that are supported by the site by clicking on all stores and then choose the company you want to buy from as shown in the image (it is preferable to use crtl + f inside the site to search because the number of stores it supports is very huge).

After choosing the store that we want to buy from, we click on Shop Now, and you will be transferred directly to the store you chose, in my case I am an ebay store, and I will be compensated with 2% of the product value.

The compensation percentage changes every period and sometimes reaches 40% in some stores, as shown in the picture.

If you already have an account, you can buy with it, otherwise it is better to register with the same email in all stores that you buy from.
Method for withdrawing profits:

To withdraw your profits, you must go to your account, choose the Big Fat Payment Settings, and the available withdrawal methods will appear, which are Paypal and check. In my case I chose Paypal as there is no minimum withdrawal amount. Withdrawal is through seasons four times a year.

Proof of Payment:

As I said, the company is honest and this is one of the proofs of payment to me by ebates plus that the company is the one that bears Paypal expenses
